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Personal Financial Management


Founded in 1968, AbbyBank is an independent, community-owned bank committed to delivering a consistent, quality customer experience. With $616 million in assets, it has seven locations in Central and Eastern Wisconsin.

The Challenge

AbbyBank wanted to provide its customers with money management tools that would use data to help customers make better financial decisions in real time as well as drive user loyalty and growth.

The Solution

AbbyBank uses MX’s MoneyMap to power its personal financial management (PFM) tool. This allows its customers to experience an embedded digital money management tool within their AbbyBank eBanking and Mobile Banking platforms. With MX, AbbyBank customers are able to see all their financial data in one single view and gain greater clarity into their personal finances.

Knowing where money is spent allows you to manage your money more effectively. When our customers succeed, we succeed and that is truly what AbbyBank is here for.

Natalyn Jannene

Assistant Vice President of Marketing

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