Jim Marous speaks June 26 on MX webinar


May 13, 2018

On June 26, Don MacDonald and The Financial Brand's Jim Marous, in an MX webinar, will discuss the Digital Banking Report on how financial institutions can thrive in the data age. #data #banking #webinar @FinancialBrand 

Jim Marous webinar_June 26 2018

Join the conversation with Don MacDonald and Jim Marous as they discuss the Digital Banking Report and the rich information it provides on how to survive in the data age.

It’s all but a foregone conclusion that financial institutions need to make the transformation to digital. In fact, many have already made huge strides and have become digital-first. But, once you’ve made the transformation, there’s a huge difference between having and using data. MacDonald and Marous will discuss the differences. 
Date: Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Time: 1:00 pm EDT
Sign up: Click here


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