Acquire and Grow Financial Relationships with MX Mobile Banking

Industry leaders will harness the power of financial data to effectively acquire, engage, and grow consumer relationships with superior mobile banking experiences.

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Over the last few years, financial institutions have faced significant industry disruption and macroeconomic shifts. The next era of banking will be driven by data — and industry leaders will harness the power of financial data to effectively acquire, engage, and grow consumer relationships. 

Financial Data is Intelligent, Automated, Enriched, and Actionable with MX Customer Analytics

Future industry winners and losers will be defined by how they analyze and act on their consumer financial data. The newly launched MX Customer Analytics offers automated dashboards and insights powered by enriched transactional data and pre-built personas that uncover spending habits, demographics, and product adoption. With this data, future industry leaders can pinpoint growth opportunities and make quick, data-backed decisions to increase their profitability and competitive advantage.

Learn More about MX Customer Analytics >

Why MX Customer Analytics

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Click to learn more about opportunity pages in MX Customer Analytics Dashboard to uncover new opportunities around credit cards, mortgages, HELOCs, wealth, and auto lending.

Money Experiences are Personalized, Value-Driven, and Intelligent with MX Mobile Banking

Digital-first consumers expect financial leaders to deliver digital banking experiences that move from transactional to relational. From generic to targeted. From impersonal to personal. Leading industry players will deliver money experiences that create emotional connections and build trust through proactive, value-driven digital interactions that help consumers’ manage their financial lives and achieve their financial aspirations. MX delivers embedded insights supported by artificial intelligence and machine learning to protect, inform, and guide consumers with personalized offers and recommendations based on behaviors and financial data.

Learn More about MX Mobile Banking >

Why MX Mobile

Data Portability and Interoperability are Reliable and Trusted with MX Connectivity Solutions

The future of the finance industry will embrace Open Banking and Open Finance to create an open data ecosystem that drives innovation and financial access for all. MX’s open finance APIs enable financial providers to build secure connections, instantly verify accounts, and gain reliable, permission-based data sharing. With MX’s industry-leading connectivity solutions, data sharing is secure, reliable, and trusted.

Learn More about MX Connectivity Solutions >

Why MX Connectivity Products

Protecting Consumers and their Data is a Competitive Differentiator with MX

Data underpins all financial relationships. Done right, it establishes a foundation of trust and builds competitive advantages. Done wrong, it opens the door to data breaches and increased risk which may lead to severe brand and reputational damages. MX does data differently. MX not only protects, safeguards, and secures consumers’ financial data but also helps you tap into your data to help bolster fraud prevention and mitigate risk.

Learn More about Fraud and Risk Management >

Why MX for Risk Management

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